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ΔημοσιεύσειςΧρηματοδοτούμεναMed PearlsMed Pearls: 4 Trainings on Product Creation & Commercialization of Slow Tourism...

Med Pearls: 4 Trainings on Product Creation & Commercialization of Slow Tourism Products in Greece

Dates: 24th and 25th of February 2021

The Municipality of Thessaloniki invites you to the live training sessions on ‘’Product Creation & Commercialization of Slow Tourism Products’’ in the frame of ENI CBC MED, ‘MedPearls’ Project.

The trainings will be held online for local DMCs, travel agencies, ICT enterprises and private entities from the whole touristic value chain. During the training events special interest will be given on product creation of Slow Tourism packages in the pilot areas (Pieria and Imathia) as well as the commercialization and communication of these packages

The events will take place online on Zoom on the 24th  and 25th of February as follows:


Training 1 ‘’Slow tourism Product Creation’’ 24th of February from 10:30am to 11:15 am, Trainer: Ms. Chrysanthi Tasiou
Training 2 ‘’Pieria Pilot area and Commercialization’’ 24th of  February from 11:30am to 12:15 pm. Trainer : Mr. Athanasios Dermetzopoulos


Training 3 ‘’Slow tourism Product Creation’’ 25th of February from 10:30 to 25th, Trainer: Ms. Chrysanthi Tasiou
Training 4 ‘’Imathia Pilot Area and Commercialization’’ 25th  of February from 11:30am to 12:15 pm, Trainer : Mr. Athanasios Dermetzopoulos

Online registration on 25th of February required Click here
Online registration on 24th of February required  Click here

The Zoom credentials to access the meeting will be provided only to registered participants.

For more information please email at chrysanthitasiou@gmail.com