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ΔημοσιεύσειςΑνακοινώσειςEurope DirectErasmus Placement call - EUROPE DIRECT LAS PALMAS (SPAIN)

Erasmus Placement call – EUROPE DIRECT LAS PALMAS (SPAIN)

Knowledge and Skills to be received by trainees during the training period

  1. They may learn techniques of European information for the general public, have access to databases and information available in the Information Centre (hereafter IC), as well as software tools that are handled daily, such as the intranet.
  2. They may have the opportunity to implement their own projects within the range of activities in the IC, such as initiatives at European level.
  3. They may take part in the organization and management of events scheduled annually in the IC.
  4. They may participate in the making of news and bulletins made by the IC.
  5. They may learn how to manage publications and available data to be classified, sorted and sent to stakeholders.
  6. They may participate in conferences and carry out activities such as field visits, attend concerts or theatre plays in free time.

Detailed activity programme to be carried out by trainees during the training period in the Information Centre

  1. Collaborating and giving dynamism, in European information spots, concerning the searching process, the selection and dissemination of European information along with their tutors through our website and the social networks, sending information through emails.
  2. Giving support to the European information inquiry service, physically, by phone, email or through the website.
  3. Taking part in the organization of information seminars, lectures about Europe and European citizenship, as well as in other less formal activities (film forums, multicultural encounters…) where EU information is disseminated.
  4. Newsletter: with the support of the staff of Information Centre, they may draw up a magazine/information-pack in which they may include subjects as articles/reports on new European policies, main mobility programmes in the EU, as well as a snapshot (summary/snap) of the main activities implemented every month. In addition, they may propose any other subject, which they may wish to deepen, in the format they may choose (interview, real stories, opinion, etc.) provided they are related to the goals and objectives of the IC. This magazine may be released through our database among young people in the Canary Islands, at schools, institutions, national associations, youth areas, etc. with a view to disseminating and promoting European initiatives.
  5. Documentation: publication managing, requesting interesting publications on the EU library and other institutions; filing and classifying publications coming to the IC for events.
  6. Others, the analysis of relevant EU policies for the Canary Islands. Encouraging the presence of the civil society of the Canary Islands in activities and opportunities at European level. Monitoring and information on the work of the European Institutions (Parliament, European Commission, Committee of the Regions…) in relation to the relevant European policies. Preparing agendas, seminars, training courses and encounters with the relevant European policy actors.
  7. c1 of Spanish and English its required  – Tasks of erasmus trainees at the Information Centre:
  8. Providing support to the information work of ED Las Palmas, by improving the delivery of information contents, preparing newsletters and news, managing and updating social networks.
  9. Providing information in English and other languages known by the trainee to foreign users, physically, through the website, email, phone…
  10. Carrying out support activities in the IC for the dissemination of 2013 as the European Year of Active Citizenship, as well as taking part in the organization and management of events planned for this year, among which is the Europe Day; lectures at schools and associations, as well as in all events arising throughout the year requiring our presence and participation.
  11. Providing support to the European information inquiry service.
  12. Managing available documents, through the creation of a database with the publications received, organizing them by topic and classifying them to be sent to potential stakeholders or to hold events.

Monitoring and evaluation plan

The IC appoints a trainee tutor, who coordinates and monitors the performance of the trainee, by facilitating his/her integration in the IC and her/his participation in various activities.

TRAINING PERIOD: 5 month /One year




Tel: + 34 928 30 33 42 / mail: CSANACO@GOBIERNODECANARIAS.ORG