Meet our City Through the History of Its Streets

Street names in cities often seem to exist only to guide lost travelers, however the story behind street names reveals a past that reflects their true meaning as well as the history of the city itself.

Street names give character and life to the place they refer to and often serve the meaning of a historical landmark for a city. They reveal the politics, culture and ideologies of cities and also provide a common language for the city and its inhabitants.

The placement of 450 smart street name signs with historical information using QR-Code and NFC (Near Field Communication) labels in the historical center of the city is an initiative of the Municipality of Thessaloniki and D. MASOUTIS SA.

D. MASOUTIS SA in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility and its active presence in Thessaloniki wishes to express its interest in the city and the citizens by donating all the necessary equipment for the study, design, construction and placement of the smart street name signs in order to facilitate residents and visitors.

The purpose of this is first to have the needful street signage in the city, for residents and visitors and then to get familiar with the history of the streets we pass every day.

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Ο Periklis Vyzoukidis was a jurist and Professor at the University of Thessaloniki, where he held high academic posts. He was born in Istanbul in 1879 and he died in Serres in 1956.

12/07/2021 14:27


Ioannis Vilaras was born in Kythira in 1771 and died in Zagorochoria in 1823. He was a physician, scholar, poet and novelist. He was a partisan of the Demotic Greek language and representative of Modern Greek Enlightenment. He is considered as one of the pioneers of intellectual rebirth of modern Greece.


City, built at the foot of Mt Vermion, and capital of the Prefecture of Imathia. It was very prosperous during the Hellenistic Period. Apostle Paul preached Christianism in Veroia. It has also been called Small Jerusalem due to its numerous byzantine and post-byzantine churches. It is considered to be one of the most historic cities


Dimitrios Vernadakis (1834-1907), born in Mytilene, was an author, philologist, theologist, journalist and dramatic poet. He was Professor of History at the University of Athens.


Vatikiotis Konstantinos was the consul general of Greece in the Turkish-occupied Thessaloniki, who with remarkable courage and organizational ability began to incite the Greeks of Macedonia against the Turks. He distributed weapons to old, experienced warlords and fighters and created armed guerrilla corps, about 25 years before Lambros Koromilas, around 1878. Information from the book


Timoleon Vassos (1836-1931) was a Greek army officer. He graduated from the Evelpidon Military Academy and then, he went to France to continue his studies. After his return to Greece, he was appointed aide to King George I. He was the Commander of the Greek military forces that disembarked to Crete in 1897. He retired


Vasilios Vassilikos (1891-1977) was born in Riza, Halkidiki. He worked as a teacher and later as a journalist in Thessaloniki. Then (1929) he was elected as a City Councillor and later (1932) as a MP for Halkidiki. He had been Vice Minister, General Governor of Eastern Macedonia, Vice Minister of Industry, Vice-President of the Parliament


Heraclius (A.D. 575-641) was the Emperor of the Byzantium from 610 to his death. He carried out victorious campaigns against the Persians and he retrieved the True Cross. He pronounced greek as the official language of the State.


Harisios Vamvakos (1872-1952) was a jurist and politician, born in Kozani. He was elected as an MP for Servia and Kozani at the Ottoman Parliament and then as the Mayor of Thessaloniki (1931-1933). Senator and Vice-chairman of the Senate. He was assigned diplomatic missions and he was sentenced to death in absentia by the Turkish


Aristotelis Valaoritis was a poet and politician. He was born in 1824 in Lefkada. His family came from Valaora of Acheloos and from there they got their name. He got a doctorate in law in Paris at the age of 24.He fought for the Union of the Ionian Islands with Greece and after its completion,

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