Meet our City Through the History of Its Streets

Street names in cities often seem to exist only to guide lost travelers, however the story behind street names reveals a past that reflects their true meaning as well as the history of the city itself.

Street names give character and life to the place they refer to and often serve the meaning of a historical landmark for a city. They reveal the politics, culture and ideologies of cities and also provide a common language for the city and its inhabitants.

The placement of 450 smart street name signs with historical information using QR-Code and NFC (Near Field Communication) labels in the historical center of the city is an initiative of the Municipality of Thessaloniki and D. MASOUTIS SA.

D. MASOUTIS SA in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility and its active presence in Thessaloniki wishes to express its interest in the city and the citizens by donating all the necessary equipment for the study, design, construction and placement of the smart street name signs in order to facilitate residents and visitors.

The purpose of this is first to have the needful street signage in the city, for residents and visitors and then to get familiar with the history of the streets we pass every day.

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It was a renowned town in Thrace, built on the coast of the Black Sea. In ancient times, it was called “Aulaion or Aulaiouteichos”. Its citizens were forced to flee to Greece in 1912, during the First Balkan War.

28/06/2021 08:17


Plutarch (around 50-around 120 A.D.) was an author and teacher of philosophy. He was assigned with political and religious duties. His most famous works were Parallel Lives a series of biographies of illustrious Greeks and Romans, and Moralia, a collection of essays and speeches.

25/06/2021 14:42


Georgios Lassanis was born in 1793 in Kozani and died in 1870 in Athens. He was a member of the Holy Squadron and aide to Alexandros Ypsilantis. He held several military and administrative posts. He left remarkable literary work and he donated his property to charity.


Vogatsiko is a village in the Prefecture of Kastoria and its citizens participated in the Greek Revolution of 1821. It was the centre of the Macedonian Struggle and it is the birthplace of the Dragoumi family.


The Komnenoi family was a powerful noble family from Komne of Thrace. Members of the Komnenoi family became Emperors of Constantinople (1081-1185) and Trebizond (1204-1261).


Frenchman Charles Diehl was born in 1859 and died in 1944. He was a professor at Sorbonne, member of the French Archaeological School of Athens and an eminent byzantinist. He restored (1900-1909) the church of Hagia Sophia in Thessaloniki, that has suffered severe damage during the fire of 1890.


There is a church in Thessaloniki, nowadays, that is dedicated to God’s Wisdom. It is one of the most important monuments of Byzantine culture, included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. During the foreign occupations (Latin and Ottoman occupation), its use changed. It was burnt in 1890 and it was restored by the


Ioannis Kouskouras (1867-1935), from Vogatsiko, Kastoria, was an educator, journalist and publisher of newspapers in Thessaloniki. He was the founder of the newspaper Alitheia in 1903 and Nea Alitheia in 1909. After liberation, he was also elected as City Councillor of Thessaloniki.


Tsimiskis Ioannis (925-976) was Emperor of Byzantium, he ascended the throne after Nikiforos Phokas, in one of the most turbulent periods of the empire (969 AD). He fought victoriously against both the Sviatoslav Russians and the Arabs. He is considered one of the most capable generals of the Byzantine Empire. He remained on the throne


Aristotle was an eminent ancient philosopher (384-322 B.C.). He was born in Stagira, Halkidiki. He was taught by Plato and he tutored Alexander the Great. In Athens, he founded the “Lyceum” or “Peripatetic School”. He was a prolific writer. His ideas had a tremendous appeal and he is considered to be the founder of Logic

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