25.7 C

General Rehearsal for schools : Gala Rossini-Gounod

Πα02Νοε10:30 μμΠα12:00 μμGeneral Rehearsal for schools : Gala Rossini-Gounod10:30 μμ - 12:00 μμ(GMT+00:00)

Λεπτομέρειες εκδήλωσης


2 Nov 18, 10:30

Main Ceremony Hall of the Aristotles University of Thessaloniki

Gala G. Rossini

Jens Georg Bachmann, conductor

The collaboration between Thessaloniki City Symphony Orchestra and  the Department of Music Studies of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki continues with the morning general rehearsal  of the concert on 2.11.2018 at 10.30 in the Ceremony Hall of AUTH with a program of imports and arias from opera by G. Rossini and Ch. Gounod.

The animation of the 500 students has been undertaken by one of the members of the musicological group of the TMS, Chryssa Skarlatou.

The students’ visit is organized by the Culture Directorate in cooperation with the Regional Directorate of Education of Central Macedonia and the 1st Regional Coordinators of Educational Project.


(Παρασκευή) 10:30 μμ - 12:00 μμ(GMT+00:00)