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PostsTCSOPress releases‘’Gala Rossini - Gounod’’ 

‘’Gala Rossini – Gounod’’ 

2 Nov 18, 21:00

Main Ceremony Hall of the Aristotles University of Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki City Symphony Orchestra

‘’Gala Rossini Gounod’’ 

Thessaloniki City Symphony Orchestra dedicates this concert to the 150th anniversary of the death of the Italian composer of bel canto Gioacchino Rossini and to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the French composer, the spokesman for the French Opéra lyrique, Charles Gounod. TCSO  hosts emerging young lyric singers, as part of her effort to help bring out the new talented generation of artists by offering their musical experience.

The young singers interpret arias from known works by G. Rossini and Faust Opera, the best known of the 12 lyrical works composed by Charles Gounod, with the first part of the concert closing with the famous duet of the two cats, this night will be sung by ” four ”. In the second part, Gounod Symphony No. 1 in re major under the direction of the artistic director of the Symphony Orchestra of Germany, Jens Georg Bachmann, with a long career in Europe and the USA.

The concert will be held on Friday, November 2nd, 2018, at 21:00, at the Main Ceremony Hall of the Aristotles University of Thessaloniki , which is free of charge from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the framework of its collaboration with the Cultural Directorate of the Municipality of Thessaloniki.


G. Rossini: Overture from the Opera  Il Signor Bruschino

Retsitativo and arie from  G. Rossini και Ch. Gounod Operas                  

  Stamatia Molloudi – mezzo

  Danai Kyritsi – soprano

  Sofia Mpermperidou -soprano

Giorgos Sofialidis – baritone

G. Rossini: Duetto di ‘’…Quattro’’Gatti (four cats duet)

Ch. Gounod: Symphony No 1 in D major

Jens Georg Bachmann, Conductor