Meet our City Through the History of Its Streets

Street names in cities often seem to exist only to guide lost travelers, however the story behind street names reveals a past that reflects their true meaning as well as the history of the city itself.

Street names give character and life to the place they refer to and often serve the meaning of a historical landmark for a city. They reveal the politics, culture and ideologies of cities and also provide a common language for the city and its inhabitants.

The placement of 450 smart street name signs with historical information using QR-Code and NFC (Near Field Communication) labels in the historical center of the city is an initiative of the Municipality of Thessaloniki and D. MASOUTIS SA.

D. MASOUTIS SA in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility and its active presence in Thessaloniki wishes to express its interest in the city and the citizens by donating all the necessary equipment for the study, design, construction and placement of the smart street name signs in order to facilitate residents and visitors.

The purpose of this is first to have the needful street signage in the city, for residents and visitors and then to get familiar with the history of the streets we pass every day.

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Konstantinos Gratsios was born in 1890 in Epirus. In 1933, he became Principal of the High School of Polygyros and in 1936 of the newly-founded 3rd Girls’ High School of Thessaloniki. He died in 1967.

16/07/2021 10:32


Sophocles Garbolas was born in Austria and died in Thessaloniki in 1906. He was the offspring of a family of scholars and publishers. He was a printer and in 1875, he published the first Greek newspaper named Hermes, which was then renamed Pharos of Macedonia.    


Gennadios – Georgios Alexiadis was Metropolitan Bishop of Thessaloniki, the first after the Turkish occupation (1912-1951). He was born in 1868 in Mesopolis of Bursa and in 1905 he became the Metropolitan Bishop of Lemnos. He studied at the Theological School of Halki. He worked for the improvement of the spiritual level of the clergy,


  Georgius Gemistus Pletho was born around 1360 in Constantinople and died in Mystras in 1452. He was a Neoplatonist philosopher, judge and author. He is considered as a distinguished intellectual figure of the late Byzantine Era.


Ermis (Hermes) was the winged god of Olympus, son of Zeus. He was born on a mountain in Arcadia and was the postman of the gods but also the protector of trade. Information from the book by Aristides Kesopoulos “THE NAME OF THE ROADS OF THESSALONIKI”, MALLIARIS – PAIDEIA SA publications.

12/07/2021 19:10


George Vlalis was a merchant of Thessaloniki and was slaughtered along with other Greek Christians during the events of the Revolution of 1821.


Vizes was an ancient greek city of East Thrace, that was prosperous in the Byzantine Times. It was built by the General of Alexander the Great, Vize. Its Greek citizens, who were the majority of its population, abandoned it after the Catastrophe of 1922. Important archaeological findings were discovered in the broader area of the


Georgios Vizyinos was born in Vize and died in Athens in 1896. He was a poet and novelist. He is considered to be one of the most important representatives of modern Greek literature.


Ioannis Varvakis (1745-1825) was a ship-owner, merchant and national benefactor, born in Psara. He participated in the Orlov Revolt and he lost all of his property. Later, however, he made a fortune in Russia, he spent a lot of money for his compatriots in Russia and he supported the Greek Revolution. Varvakeio Lykeio and Varvakeios


Efthymios or Thymios (or Papa-Thymios) Vlahavas (1770-1809), priest and armatolos. He was born in Vlahava, Kalambaka. He fought against Ali Pasha and then, he created a pirate fleet that attacked Turkish ships. He was murdered upon order of Ali Pasha in 1809.

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