Meet our City Through the History of Its Streets

Street names in cities often seem to exist only to guide lost travelers, however the story behind street names reveals a past that reflects their true meaning as well as the history of the city itself.

Street names give character and life to the place they refer to and often serve the meaning of a historical landmark for a city. They reveal the politics, culture and ideologies of cities and also provide a common language for the city and its inhabitants.

The placement of 450 smart street name signs with historical information using QR-Code and NFC (Near Field Communication) labels in the historical center of the city is an initiative of the Municipality of Thessaloniki and D. MASOUTIS SA.

D. MASOUTIS SA in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility and its active presence in Thessaloniki wishes to express its interest in the city and the citizens by donating all the necessary equipment for the study, design, construction and placement of the smart street name signs in order to facilitate residents and visitors.

The purpose of this is first to have the needful street signage in the city, for residents and visitors and then to get familiar with the history of the streets we pass every day.

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Lazos Exarchos was a member of a great Armatoloi family, active before as well as during the Revolution of 1821.

16/07/2021 12:50


Herodes Atticus (A.D. 100-178) was a great orator and sophist. In A.D. 143 he was appointed Consul at Rome and he funded a number of building projects in Athens and elsewhere. Among others, he funded the construction of the Odeon of Herodes Atticus and the Panathenaic Stadium.


Athanasios Exadaktylos (1869-1936) was an army officer, who served as an agent in the General Consulate in Thessaloniki and played an important role in the Macedonian Struggle. He also took part to the War of 1897 and the Balkan Wars.


Heraclea is a city of ancient Macedonia, founded by King Philip II. It was named in honour of Hercules, who was considered to be the forefather of the kings of Macedonia. There were other cities by the same name in several parts of the Greek territory and beyond it.


Ernest Hebrard (1875-1933) was a French archaeologist, architect, urban planner and professor at the Metsovian National Technical University of Athens. After the great fire of 1917, he was in charge of the committee for the establishment of the new urban plan of the destroyed area of Thessaloniki, the so-called Hebrard Plan.


Zeuxis was a painter of ancient Greece in the 5th and 4th B.C. He was born in Heraclea and his art was praised by his contemporaries as well as in the following centuries.


Zalongo is a mountain in Epirus. In 1803, women from Souli with their children fell from a cliff’s edge called Stefani to avoid submitting to Ali Pasha chasing them. It is the so-called Dance of Zalongo, that is a symbol of heroism and self-sacrifice.


Euripides was a great tragic poet who lived in the 5th century B.C. He died in Pella, Macedonia. His works have timeless and universal appeal.


 Eleutherae is the name of a small ancient Greek town in the borders of Attica with Boeotia. The worship of God Dionysus was first established there. The walls of the city’s fortress are preserved to date. Eleutherae is also the name of a village in the Municipality of Paggaio. Until the Population Exchange between Greece


Hecuba was the second wife of King Priam of Troy and mother of, among others, Hector and Paris. Euripides wrote a tragedy entitled Hecuba.

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